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Get the ALL SHATTERED HELL miniatures, plus unlocked Stretch Goals in high quality RESIN, painted!
52 Miniatures Total!

* Shipping costs not included;  they will be charged later at the Pledge Manager.
* You gain access to the Pledge Manager.
* Every miniature will be painted at tabletop quality by hand.

NOTE: Select only ONE (1) Pledge!
If you want to get multiple pledges, please contact us at:

Dyed in Blood

750,00 €Price
  • August 2021

  • - 8 Core Chosen Miniatures
    - 4 Core Denizens of Hell Miniatures
    - 11 Core Champions of Darkness Miniatures
    - 4 Rulers of the Underworld Miniatures
    - Echidna, Mother of Monsters miniatures
    - Round bases for all the miniatures

    Stretch Goals:
    - Neith Hero Miniature
    - 3 Spirit Guides familiar Miniatures
    - Arsinoe Hero Miniature
    - 3 Kalikatzari Denizens of Hell Miniatures
    - Vakhos Hero Miniature
    - Ikaros Miniature
    - Clotho Miniature
    - Cacodemon Miniature
    - Slaughterer Miniature
    - Daemogorgos Miniature
    - Ephyaltes Miniature
    - Chaos Hydra Miniature
    - Two metal collectible Coins
    - Infernal D20

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